Modern 60-7 excavator oil consumption is excessive

Not long ago, I plant Master Yang received a telephone call from the owner of the excavator in Jiuquan, Gansu Province, asking "What is the reason for the oil consumption of the excavator?" I plant Yang master asked:

Master Yang: Oil consumption is high. Do you want to burn oil? Is there any black smoke?

Machine owner: There is black smoke

Master Yang: What kind of excavator is it?

Owner: Hyundai 60-7

Master Yang: Did you check the engine for oil leaks?

Owner: I didn't check this

After asking the above questions, the master Yang of our factory explained to the owner of the excavator in Jiuquan, Gansu province, "When your excavator is working, the excavator oil consumption is too much, which may be caused by the following reasons."

1 External oil leakage of excavator engine.

2. The cylinder liner or piston ring of the excavator engine is seriously worn.

3. The Angle of the opening interval of the piston ring of the excavator engine changes, and a large amount of oil enters the combustion chamber.

4. Aging and cracking of oil seal in crankshaft of excavator engine.

The crankcase ventilation system of the excavator engine is not smooth.

The above is a few common "modern 60-7 excavator oil consumption is too much" fault causes, which is a specific reference to the following fault check steps to troubleshoot.

Modern 60-7 excavator oil consumption too much fault inspection:

1 Check the crankshaft end seal for leakage, oil pan gasket and all lubricating system joints for dripping, crankshaft vent for oil dripping.

Excessive oil leakage from the crankshaft vent may be due to the omission of combustion gas around the piston. Crankshaft vent dirty will cause crankcase pressure increase, gasket and seal ring missing.